Mentor-Mentee Programme:


Mentoring is a process in which teachers help and support students to manage their own learning in order to maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be. It is a positive development partnership driven by the mentee, mentor role is to provide the direction and guidelines. It provides benefit to mentors as well. A mentor is not responsible and accountable for the behaviour, activities and results of his or her mentor. Following the general rules and regulations of the college and within the constraints of time space and facilities available, mentors serve basically as learning facilitators and take interest in the professional and career development of mentee. Genuine commitment on the part of both the mentor and mentee is a prerequisite for making a mentoring relationship success. Mentoring roles typically fall in two categories: psychological and career. Psychological roles serve to enhance the personal aspects of the relationship while carrier related roles function to stimulate career advancement for the mentee.


General Guidelines:

General Guidelines of Mentor-Mentee Programme Updated (Click Here)


General Guidelines of Mentor-Mentee Programme (Click Here)




Mentor-Mentee Allocation Chart:

Mentor-Mentee Allocation Chart Honours Students_2022-23 (Click Here)


Mentor-Mentee Allocation Chart Honours Students_2020-21 (Click Here)


Mentor-Mentee Allocation Chart General Students_2020-21 (Click Here)


Mentor-Mentee Allocation Chart Honours Students_2019-20 (Click Here)


Mentor-Mentee Allocation Chart General Students_2019-20 (Click Here)




News & Notifications:

Registration in the Mentor-Mentee Register (Click Here)


Names of General and stream mentors 2020-21 (Click Here)


Duties of Mentee 2020-21 (Click Here)


Names of General and stream mentors 2019-20 (Click Here)


Duties of Mentee 2019-20 (Click Here)